
October 10, 2011

No clever post title today

It's been a while.

Diptych 3

& this is all I've got to share for now. :)

August 30, 2011

this is...siwious...?

When did he become such a little man? He usually looks so serious...






He does have a killer serious face, though.

August 22, 2011

Pet week

This is Kitty. A few weeks ago I pulled in to our driveway, and when I looked up from getting my purse, this is what I saw on the hood of my car.

kitty kitty


Make sure to visit iheartfaces so that you can view tons of other awesome entries!


August 10, 2011


Finally - we were able to make this edible play dough. It's been sitting in my bookmarks folder for a few months but I never could remember to get some powdered sugar. Well, I finally had some, but, we were pretty much out of honey. Ah, oh well, we made due and it was awesome. It's not just great because of the mold-ability (?), but it tastes like heaven. I highly recommend it. It's easy, fun, and doesn't make too much of a mess (psh).








Next I think we're going to try out the edible finger paints. :)

July 30, 2011


How did I ever live without a cookie scoop? I mean yeah, I've made tons of cookies before, but nothing like those that are made with a cookie scoop. They're just great. Also, this new lotion by Suave called "sandalwood and cinnamon". OH EM GEEZ. You need to get some.

I don't have much else to say, so here's some kitten love, and, of course, The Turducken.


These cats are insane.


& so is this toddler.

July 29, 2011



Holy crap! He is the cutest thing I have ever seen!

July 23, 2011

July 22, 2011



We like this park. It cooled down to a chilly 99 degrees at 7:30 last night, so we grabbed our coats and went to the park.

(sarcasm, anyone?)

July 21, 2011

Awesome giveaway!

Oh So Posh Photography is giving away the amazing Bohemian Symphony Collection to 3 lucky winners! Go enter to win! http://www.ohsoposhphotography​.com/blog

July 10, 2011


So, what do you think of these babies? I'm calling this a stumbleupon score. That site is awesome in and of itself, but when I stumbled upon these bad boys, well, I think I may have gained a whole 'nother level of appreciation. I mean, just look at them! What genius thought of such a concept?



If you know what's good, then you'll click here to find out more.



We all know that I can't post without pictures or a mention of Bubba. So, here he is.

July 5, 2011

Our fireworks-less fourth

Yeah, there's a super strict burn ban going on around here because of the ridiculous drought that's been going on for the past few months, so that meant no fireworks. I'm not really the kind of person who loses it over fireworks, but it would have been cool for Layton to see. So, yeah, a little disappointing. We had some good food and got to spend time with family though, so I guess that's what matters. I didn't think to bring Layton's trunks with us so he had to run around in the sprinkler wearing his underwear. Oh well, no biggie.


I told him to remember to be nice, and this is the look we got for most of our visit.


He also wanted it to be know that he loves cupcakes, and wearing ladybug wings.



I feel as if I should add that he wasn't posed in those wings. He was trying to take them off and I just snapped a picture real quick. It looks awesome, though. :D

July 1, 2011

Best part of the day


This is what quiet looks like. This is what no messes, destruction, or clinging looks like. It's what peaceful looks like.

It's what awesome and sinfully cute look like.

June 28, 2011

Don't be fooled

Completely goofy.


Full of smiles.


Totally adorable.


Never let these qualities distract you from the truth. He is a turd.

June 27, 2011



Layton's favorite thing in the world is playing with his Dada.

June 24, 2011


Huh? What? My kid is finally getting an imagination and actually playing with his toys? I don't believe it.


Oh wait, there's a picture to prove it. Awesome! I was beginning to think that this day would never happen. It's usually my sole responsibility to keep the little turd entertained, because Lord knows he doesn't want to do it. I'm so happy now, though, because it means that I can actually get some things done without my feet getting all tangled up in Layton as I walk. I don't want to over exaggerate here, I mean it's not like he's thoroughly enthralled in his trucks 24/7, we're only talking about maybe 5 minutes at a time, but it's progress, damnit.





June 21, 2011


My son has really been busy working on getting his attitude developed just right lately, and I think he's got it down. I knew toddlers (excuse me, BIG KIDS) were capable of impressive spice, but Layton is a master. He's got the facial expressions and tones perfected, and is a total smarty pants. Besides "hush", I think his favorite thing to snap back at us is "NOOO-UH". Who's Noah? That's what me always say back to him, and he gets so mad. haha

It's hard not to laugh at his angry faces.


So now that we know he inherited my attitude, how are we going to survive?

June 8, 2011

It's hot outside

Don't have much to say, we've been trying to stay cool and just chillin'.





Hope y'all are having a good summer!